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Extraordinary response to Rooftop Honey.

Updated: Sep 12, 2020

Clementine's is continually restocking with Rooftop Honey in both jars and sample test tubes to meet demand. Rooftop Honey is harvested from individual hives and is named according to their suburb. The hives, located in many areas including Lt Collins St, Rankins Lane, St Kilda, Carlton & now our own Degraves St, all display vastly different flavours peculiar to their own suburbs. What does your suburb taste like?

Clementine's holds tastings of Rooftop Honey in Spring, Summer & Autumn. Winter is a time of rest for our City Bees therefore Melbourne City Rooftop Honey is a seasonal product and with it's popularity tends to run out over Winter. New season stocks start up again in Spring once we have consistent warm weather.

Follow us on instagram for regular updates on stocks of Rooftop Honey and seasonal information.

For more information see our makers & growers post or Melbourne City Rooftop Honey's website.


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